Carol Schultz, Animal Communicator

Course Calendar

Carol offers two levels of animal communication classes:

Beginning / Level 1 and Advanced / Level 2

Animal Companions' Stories from Spirit

This is a live Zoom class, and will be recorded

Zoom Date:

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


7:00 - 9:00 P.M. CST


Available through Infinity Foundation of Highland Park, IL


$40; ($35, if paid 10 days in advance)

Register Now!

When a special animal companion passes, it is an opportunity to pause and reflect on their purpose in your life. When you take time to honor the gifts shared over your time together, mutual unconditional love may deepen.

Telepathic animal communication can become a precious healing window to reconnect with those who have passed into Spirit and nurture connections with your current living companions.

Animal spirit experiences and insights from the other side can help with healing and seeing events from a different perspective. Hear words of wisdom and comfort as you navigate your path ahead.

Find out how to bridge the gap and be open to communication possibilities. Experience animal companions continuing to teach, guide, and be supportive from the spiritual realm. Share in a supportive gathering with like-minded animal lovers.

Include your passed animal companion(s) (via photograph or memory) in a guided meditation for connection and healing.

This course is available on Zoom. You will be emailed a Zoom link closer to the time of the class. The course will be recorded and you will receive a link to watch it.

Intro to Animal Communication

This is a recorded Zoom class available for streaming

(Zoom) Recording Date:

January 19, 2021


Two (2) hours


Available through Infinity Foundation of Highland Park, IL



Buy Now!

Telepathic Animal Communication is a natural and complete way of communication exchange between all living beings. Everyone can do it, all it takes is some guidance, training, and practice. Discover ways to be open to and experience an animal's viewpoint and perceive the world from their perspective.

Become aware of the essentials of how to get in touch with animals telepathically. Explore how you have already experienced telepathic communication with animals. Find out how to quiet and focus your attention when you are with animals. Begin to gain insight into their needs, behaviors, wishes, humor, wisdom, and purpose in your life.

Expand your natural abilities to share life with your animal companions in a new and joyful way.

Include your companion animal in a guided heart-opening connection exercise on Zoom whether they sit comfortably in your lap, nearby within your home, or participate via photograph (for those in Sprit).

Basic Animal Communiction

(Level 1 Animal Communication)

Basic Animal Commnication is offered as a one-day session in 2024, with a one hour follow-up Q&A on Zoom included in the tuition.


Saturday, July 20, 2024


9:30 A.M.-5:30 P.M.


Infinity Foundation in Highland Park, IL


$115 ($105, if paid 10 days in advance)

Follow-up Zoom Q&A:

Monday, July 29, 2024,
7:00 - 8:00 P.M. CT
(included in tuition.
You will be emailed a link after the inperson portion)


8 CEUs available

Telepathic Animal Communication is a natural and complete way of communication exchange between all living beings. Everyone can learn how — all it takes is some guidance, training, and practice!

Discover ways to be open to and experience animals' viewpoints and perceive the world from their perspective. Explore how you have already experienced telepathic communication with animals and begin to expand and grow your natural abilities.

Learn how to send and receive communication with animal companions, both in your presence and across a distance. Receive feelings, thoughts and the essence of their being. Gain insight into their needs, behaviors, wishes, humor, wisdom, and purpose in your life. Develop awareness of your successes and dissolve blocks to communicating telepathically.

Relax and enjoy this fun, mind-opening, heart fulfilling, and spirit expanding experience that enables you to share life with your animal companions in a whole new and joyful way!

Part 1 (3.5 hours):

Introduction to the essentials on how to get in touch with animals telepathically. Discover your blocks to communicating with animals and the levels of communication possible. Learn how to experience animals' perspectives, how you may have already communicated telepathically with animals, and how to expand on that. Enjoy exercises that open your heart. Increase your awareness and understanding of animals and your receptivity to telepathic communication. Deepen your communion with all of life.

Part 2 (3.5 hours):

Learn how to quiet and focus your attention when being with animals. Practice opening the channel to get across to animals and to receive what they communicate telepathically in thoughts, images, impressions, feelings, messages.

Part 3 (1.0 hour):

An evening follow-up question and answer session is scheduled on Zoom nine days following the full day in-person class in Highland Park, IL.

What to bring for Parts 1/2:

Please bring printed photographs of your animal companions (both living and passed) that you can easily share with fellow participants. One animal per photo. Please also have a journal and pen to use during the class. Participants are requested to bring their own water, snacks, and lunch to be able to remain on site during the mid-day break.

Recommended reading:

Pre-read a basic book on animal communication such as "Animal Talk: Interspecies Telepathic Communication" by Penelope Smith.

Mentoring Available

For those seeking guidance and professional support beyond the Advanced / Level 2 course, Carol will be available for private mentoring via phone, or in-person. Please contact Carol for further information.

Advanced Animal Communication Training: The Deepening

(Level 2 Animal Communication)


2025 - TBA


Fri/Sat/Sun, 9:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. each day


Pekin, IL



This course, led by Carol Schultz, is for those who have practiced telepathic communication with animals after the “Basic Animal Communication” course, and want more knowledge, direction, and inspiration to broaden and deepen their experience.

Continue along the ever fascinating journey of communicating with animals, and open yourself to receive the vast information that is held in the complete messages from the animals. In this advanced course, learn to synchronize more completely with animal teachers, so that you may understand the depth and full meaning of their communications with you. Learn techniques to further assist in understanding animal's experiences physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually — connecting with them as complete beings.

Journey through exercises to let go of blocks to your communications with animals, and move past old patterns that may be hindering your complete connection. Practices will include extended time with the animals and nature, refining your ability to receive telepathic communication clearly and accurately, and to be deeply present.

Learn, directly from the animals, how to understand your place as a unique human within the realms of Nature, while learning about life's greatest lessons from these masterful beings who share our world. Enrich yourself with new patterns and ideas, and tools to assist you in the exploration and advancement of your human-animal-nature-earth connection.

What to bring: Please bring photographs of your animal companions for this workshop, both living and passed. Also, you'll be asked to bring your own lunch so you can remain on site during the mid-day break.  Water, tea, and light snacks are available for participants.

Recommendation: Pre-read an advanced book on animal communication (i.e. "When Animals Speak", and "Animals in Spirit", by Penelope Smith), listen to available recordings such as Penelope Smith's "Animal Communication Mastery Series" on CD etc., and explore various materials from additional animal communicators.


Phone: (815) 531-2850

Carol Schultz
P.O. Box 577
Pekin, IL 61555


Animal Communication is not an alternative or substitute for good veterinary care, proper nutrition, training, or exercise.

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